Movement Matters YYZ


Here at Movement Matters YYZ, we welcome all bodies, all people, regardless of race, age, sexual/gender orientation, and body type. If you have a body and are willing to show up, put your heart into your movement experience, and enJoy the overall awesomeness that ensues, YOU ARE WELCOME HERE!!
We enCourage holistic well-being, conscious evolution, and the development of strength and fitness on all levels :)) Dancing is always welcome, as is joyFull self-expression! Let’s all have a great time together while we become more vibrant, healthier, and fitter!! :)))
Overview Intro



What we teach here at MMYYZ is a hybrid of Strength and Conditioning and FUNctional movement training...

Personal Training

This is your best opportunity to really explore the minutiae and specificity of what your body needs on the...

Open Gym

EnJoy the beauty and solitude of your own workouts. Use the space as you like, honour those around you...

Overview Intro

Our Prices

Andrew’s Personal Training

(plus HST)

Samuel’s Personal Training

(plus HST)

Diandra’s Personal Training

(plus HST)

Alisha’s Personal Training

(plus HST)

Overview Intro


Andrew has been a passionate, supportive, and inspiring teacher of the physical arts and holistic health since formally joining the personal training field in January of 2010. With a focus on structural integrity, movement quality…
Samuel is a certified personal trainer with over 15 years of high-level fitness experience. His expertise extends beyond his work with clients, as he has gained knowledge through accredited institutions, elite performance….
Diandra Zipinotti dos Santos is a certified personal trainer, nutrition coach, and scientist. Fitness is not just her career—it’s her way of life. Combining her scientific background with her expertise in strength and endurance training…
Alisha is a Certified Personal Trainer and Functional Fitness Coach. She believes that there is always a way to improve our abilities through movement which ultimately builds confidence. Working in research as well at the Princess…
Our Location

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